Openmind Technologies has achieved BonBoss Certification has certified that Openmind Technologies has a good boss. This organization, specializing in industrial relations, judges company leaders based on these main characteristics: listening, sharing, equity and inspiration.

Since he founded Openmind Technologies, Jonathan Léveillé has focused on interpersonal relationships as key to his company’s success. Both with customers and team members, he understands the value of equitable relationships.

Looking at the characteristics singled out by, we asked a few of our team members why they would call Jonathan a good boss.

What they have to say


“As an Openmind team member, I appreciate that Jonathan is transparent with us. He shares information about the company’s results and challenges, which definitely helps me feel more invested. I feel more involved in reaching the organization’s objectives, and I understand why my role, and the roles of my colleagues, are key to Openmind’s success. ”


Vincent, Developer
Proud Openmind player since 2017


“We each have our strengths and weaknesses, and Jonathan encourages us to share information on a daily basis, which builds strength and unity. On a personal level, he has always encouraged me to develop new skills by sharing his own knowledge or by trusting me to handle new projects. This has enabled me to grow personally and professionally.”

Elsie, Administrative Assistant
Proud Openmind player since 2017